Church Events

Below are LOLCOG’s EVENTS. Feel free to browse through the events to find additional information.

Sunday Morning Worship

Come and Join us, here at LOLCOG, every Sunday morning at 10:30 am for a spirit filled worshipful service where you will become immersed in the word of God. Join our praise and worship team, singing and clapping along to a variety of Church songs. This will be followed by an in depth preaching of…

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is held every Sunday. The children first meet as a group in the Nursery room, located just inside the entry at the Main Sanctuary. Once all the children have arrived and met in the Nursery room, our Children’s Leader will escort all the children to the Children’s Church room located in the building…

Bible Study

Bible study covers in Depth passages from the Bible

8337 Youth Group

LOLCOG Youth meet in the 8337 Kingdom Youth House, located on the Church’s rear property

Ladies Prayer Meeting

General and Individual prayers are held at this time.


Every First Sunday of the month, come and join us here at LOLCOG for COMMUNION where we consume consecrated bread and wine(grape juice) as memorials of Christ’s death representing the body and blood of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Women’s Ministry, Women of Wisdom (WOW), Meeting, Bring a Dish

The Women, from LOLCOG, gather together the 2nd Saturday of every month at 11:30 a.m. for a covered dish meeting. These meetings generally last a couple of hours and sometimes less. They discuss upcoming dates, missions projects, fund raisers, prayer and any special needs (Church or individuals) that we can assist with. All of the…

Church Membership

Every 3rd Sunday of the month, come and join us here at LOLCOG for an Open Church event associated with NEW Church Members Pledging their membership to the Church, in front of the Church, and the Church Pledges to Accept the New Members into the Church.